UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
International Institute of Refrigeration (IIF-IIR)
Centro Studi Galileo (CSG, Italy)
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration European Association (AREA)
Associazione dei Tecnici Italiani del Freddo (ATF, Italy)
Renewable Energy Institute (REI, UK)

The International Special Issue is a not for profit publication. It will be issued both in multimedia and hard-print format, and delivered free of charge to anyone who is interested in it. It is distributed yearly to MOP and COP Delegates, NOUs, Heads of State and Representatives of the 197 UN Countries, CSG-REI trainees, Conferences’, Workshops’ and Exhibitions’ participants.
The selection of authoritative close partners (main editors) involved in the realisation of this special issue of the magazine include: United Nations Environment (UNEP) – International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) – Centro Studi Galileo (CSG) – Air conditioning and Refrigeration European Association (AREA) – Associazione dei Tecnici Italiani del Freddo (ATF) – Renewable Energy Institute (REI).
Possible “supporting partners of the publication” could be invited to feature their logo on the cover page and, thefore, encouraged to spread and disseminate the publication among their members, fellows, etc.
The magazine will be distributed at:
- Official UNEP meetings:
- Meetings of the Parties to the Montral Procol (MOP)
- Conferences of the Parties (COP)
- Meetings and conferences organised by IIF-IIR, UNEP and CSG
- UNEP-IIR-AREA-CSG European Conferences, Milan – Italy
- Exhibitions, Fairs (Refrigera, Mostra Convegno Expocomfort, Chillventa…)
- Major global associations, institutions, GOs & NGOs involved in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R)
- To all Institutions connected with Centro Studi Galileo (AREA, ASHRAE, AHRI, ABRAVA, ISHRAE, IIAR, EPEE, REHVA, ECSLA, CAR)
As in previous issues, the following dignitaries will be invited to provide forewords: Inger Andersen (Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme), Roberto Cingolani (Italian Minister for the Ecological Transition) and Didier Coulomb (Director General of the IIF-IIR).
The magazine will be published in hard and soft copy. It will contain around 52 colour pages. The pages will contain also photos and documentation of the XIX European Conference (held on 10-11 June 2021), co-organised by UN Environment Programme OzonAction, the International Institute of Refrigeration, the European Association of RAC Contractors AREA, Centro Studi Galileo, Associazione dei Tecnici Italiani del Freddo, the Renewable Energy Institute. The heading, layout and graphics will be similar to the ones already used in the previous International Special Issues 2006-2008-2010-2012-2014-2016-2018-2019.
This will be the 9th edition and, being issued in such a crucial time, it will adjust its format to meet the most recent needs for a multimedia approach, including a digital version that will feature videos, pop-up contents (e.g. graphs, charts, images…), QR codes, further material, etc. Please refer to this example (UNEP OzonAction “Environmental Rule of Law: First Global Report”): https://spark.adobe.com/page/PdwxV8xn0HrCh/
The author will be asked to include a video message of 2-3 mins with key points.
The publication will be divided into sections and will feature around 2 articles per section; the goal is to have in total 18-20 articles for 8-9 sections/topics.
The cover page will have the main historical heading Industria & Formazione, it will feature the logos of UNEP, IIR, CSG, AREA, ATF and REI. A brief sentence regarding the collaboration among IIR-UNEP-CSG-AREA-ATF-REI will appear right underneath the heading; the objective of such activity is to train and inform on energy efficiency, environmental protection and related topics, refrigeration and air conditioning, renewable energies, the Kigali Amendment, its implementation and related activities – this too will have a reference on the cover.
Glossary and contents.
- Preparations for Kigali Implementation Plans (KIPs)
- Air conditioning and Refrigeration
- Cold Chain
- Renewable Energy
- Heat pumps
- Alternative refrigerants with low-GWP
The technical articles will address the current exploitable and available technologies in air conditioning, refrigeration and heat pumps that protect the Earth’s climate and stratospheric ozone layer, specifically those that avoid high GWP options and which are energy efficient (including renewable energy options, such as solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, etc.) The articles will be selected so as to have a balance in terms of both the technical subjects and the region. A special section (topic still to be decided) will be created and the authors are welcomed to select it and write about this topic.
The authors who submit articles should have significant technical expertise in the field of refrigeration, air conditioning, heat pumps and renewables. The necessary balance of contributions by both genders will be considered. Authors could be part of associations, government organizations, universities, research centers, institutes, etc. No private companies will be invited to submit any articles.
The preferred topics for articles include: Preparations for Kigali Implementation Plans (KIPs), EU’s F-Gas regulation, its revision and international developments, refrigerant charge and leakage reductions, safety of flammable refrigerants, training on handling refrigerants, servicing sector, low-GWP RAC technologies for high ambient temperature regions, low-GWP and energy efficient refrigeration and air conditioning technology, low-GWP solar refrigeration and air conditioning technologies, refrigeration and air conditioning standards and codes, illegal trade in ozone depleting and high global warming refrigerants, heat pumps, women in RAC, cooling for health, transport refrigeration, not-in-kind technologies, passive cooling, legislation and regulation, mobile air conditioning, . Articles on any of the above-mentioned topics additionally featuring A-5 Developing Countries as subjects/examples/authors, would be particularly welcome (though not mandatory).
The publication will include 18 or more articles. Each article, in English language, should be maximum 4 pages of a Word document (using Arial font, size 12, 1.5 line-spacing, justified), around 2,000 words / 14,000 characters per paper; it is necessary to include one image/graph/chart per page (captioned).
Each article should be accompanied by a short video, either recorded by the author itself or members of the research staff, presenting its main key points or real-life applications.
Any additional contents reachable through QR codes or hyperlinks will be appreciated.
The author should write the article keeping in mind that the target audience will be environmental and energy efficiency operators connected to the new technologies in refrigeration, air conditioning and renewable energy. The articles should be understandable by mid-level operators and contain no algorithms or overly-complex formulas, whatever the technical nature, to ensure that they are readable by the largest possible audience.
- Deadline for confirming participation: 21 January 2022
- Deadline for receiving the abstracts: 11 March 2022
- Deadline for receiving the paper: 27 May 2022
Proposed Title: “Techniogy Options for the Kigali Commitments”
Please send any abstract, article or question to the publication’s Secretariat:
Ms. Silvia Romanò
Head of International Affairs
Centro Studi Galileo
Casale Monferrato – Italy
Email: romano@centrogalileo.it
Tel. +39 351 5110194

International Special Issue 2006
Presented MOP 18, 18th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in New Delhi and in
COP12 in Nairobi in 2006 and in COP13 in Bali in 2007
Download http://bit.ly/caoo6m
International Special Issue 2008
Presented MOP 20, 20th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in Doha-Qatar
and in COP14 Climate Change Conference in Poznan in 2008
Download http://bit.ly/9W4L0a

International Special Issue 2010
Presented in MOP22, 22th Meeting of the Parties to Montreal Protocol in Bangkok and in
COP16 Climate Change Conference in Cancun in 2010
Download http://bit.ly/1WCXvmj
International Special Issue 2012
Presented in the MOP24, 24th Meeting of the Parties to Montreal Protocol in Geneva and in
COP18 Climate Change Conference in Doha in 2012
Download http://bit.ly/1m89hhj

International Special Issue 2014
Presented in MOP26, 26th Meeting of the Parties to Montreal Protocol in Paris
and in COP20 in Lima
Download http://bit.ly/1TWkAPK
International Special Issue 2016
Presented in MOP28, 28th in Kigali, Rwanda, in October 2016 and
in COP22 in Marrakesh, Marocco, in December 2016
Download http://bit.ly/IntSI2016

International Special Issue 2018
Presented in MOP30, 30th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in Quito, Ecuador, in November 2018 and in COP24, Conference of the Parties and Climate Change conference in Katowice, Poland, December 2018
Download http://bit.ly/ISI18-19
International Special Issue 2019
Presented in MOP31, 31st Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in Rome, Italy, in November 2019 and in COP25, Conference of the Parties and Climate Change conference in Madrid, Spain, December 2019
Download bit.ly/isi2019-2020

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